Pore-forming proteins and
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Dudkina, NV, Spicer, BA, Reboul, CF, Conroy, PJ, Lukoyanova, N, Elmlund, H, Law, RHP, Ekkel, SM, Kondos, SC, Goode, RJA, Ramm, G, Whisstock, JC, Saibil, HR, Dunstone, MA (2016) Structure of the poly-C9 component of the complement Membrane Attack Complex. Nature Comm. 7:10588. | |
Conformational changes during pore formation by the perforin-related protein pleurotolysin. Lukoyanova, N, Kondos, SC, Farabella, I, Law, RHP, Reboul, CF, Caradoc-Davies, TT, Spicer, BA, Kleifeld, O, Traore, D, Ekkel, SM, Voskoboinik, I, Trapani, JA, Hatfaludi, T, Oliver, K, Hotze, EM, Tweten, RK, Whisstock, JC, Topf, M, Saibil, HR & Dunstone, MA (2015) PLoS Biol. 13:e1002049 | |
Structure of a bacterial type III secretion system in contact with a host membrane in situ. Nans, A, Kudryashev, M, Saibil, HR & Hayward, RD (2015) Nature Commun. 6:10114. | |
Stepwise visualization of
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Pathogen-host reorganisation
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Chlamydia assemble a pathogen
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Structural basis for membrane binding and pore formation by lymphocyte perforin. Law, R, Lukoyanova, N, Voskoboinik, I Caradoc-Davies, TT, Baran, K, Dunstone, MA, D'Angelo, ME, Orlova, EV, Coulibaly, F, Verschoor, S, Browne, KA, Ciccone, A, Kuiper, MJ, Bird, PI, Trapani, JA, Saibil, HR & Whisstock, JC (2010) Nature 468, 447-451. | |
Friend or foe: the same fold
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Structural basis of pore formation by the bacterial toxin pneumolysin. Tilley, SJ, Orlova, EV, Gilbert, RJC, Andrew, PW & Saibil, HR (2005) Cell 121, 247-256. |
Birkbeck EM group
Helen Saibil