All pictures copyright 2004 Adrian Shepherd (see copyright notice)

Frequently Asked Questions

Where? When? Who?

These photos were taken on safari in two national parks in eastern Kenya - Tsavo East and Tsavo West. The exception is the photo of the golden palm weaver, which was taken in the grounds of the Voyager Resort Hotel at Nyali Beach, north of Mombasa.

The 4-day safari began on 7th April 2004 - at the start of the rainy season - and took the following route:

Special greetings to Alan and Mary, to Tony and Wendy "Hawkeye" West, and everyone else on the Kuoni buses!

What Camera?

The photos were taken using a

I didn't have my tripod with me, so relied on fast shutter speeds and fast films when taking the photos with the telezoom. All the films were developed and transfered onto photo-CD by Jessops, New Oxford Street, London, UK.

Adrian Shepherd, 23rd May 2004