Electron microscopy and image processing

Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology
Birkbeck College and University College London

Facility Coordinator

Dr Shu Chen
s.chen [at] bbk.ac.uk

COPII coatViral capsidFlexible fittingPilus ModelClpBDyneinMicrotubuleGroEL trajctory

EM lab safety

EM Wiki

Local EM information

Booking system

Academic Head of Laboratory: Carolyn Moores
Facility Co-ordinator:
Shu Chen

EM groups

Carolyn Moores
Giulia Zanetti
Finn Werner
Gabriel Waksman
Jerome Gouge
Josie Ferreira



Course Files 2019

EM equipment
For single particle EM and tomography, we have Tecnai 100, 120 kV, 200 kV FEG and 300 kV Krios machines, with Falcon 3 and K3 direct electron detectors and BioQuantum energy filter and phase plate on the  Krios, a DE20 direct detector on the F20, and a Vitrobot and Leica Gp2 for sample preparation. Cell preparation equipment includes a high pressure freezer, cryo microtome and freeze substitution, as well as correlative cryo fluorescence microscopy/ cryo EM.

Photos of a challenging Krios delivery

Image processing software:
RELION Cryosparc CCP-EM Amira CCP4  EMAN IMOD Dynamo CryoDRGN

eBIC: electron Bio-Imaging Centre at Diamond Light Source