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Qt programming

Qt widgets

A montage of Qt widgets and applications


Cross-platform C++ GUI development using Qt

I'm a big fan of Qt -- its great! So, what is it? Qt is a widely-used C++ library for developing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). It is cross-platform, which means that you can support Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac OS X operating systems whilst maintaining a single set of C++ source code. Whats more, its very object-oriented and comes with excellent documentation. Qt is great for big and small projects, and is a good way to learn C++/OO too.

I'll upload some more of my Qt projects when I can, I seem to have a quite a few half-finished Qt applications! e.g. take a look at my Einsteinium project, which is simple QCanvas widget-set, not fully complete but useable. Update (2005), sorry some of this stuff needs to be tidied up. I hope to update Zink to Qt3, and improve it, if I ever have time between my real work.

NEW! Here's a game I wrote for the 'edutainment' Qt programming contest (read about it here) run by TrollTech and QtForum. It needs a bit more work, but its playable. Its released unded the GPL, full source code is available. See Just Add Water website. You can read the README file here.


  • Qt is made by TrollTech
  • Check out the Qt article I wrote for the International Union of Crystallography Computing Newsletter (Jan 2003). NB a bit out of date now, e.g. Designer in Qt3 is much better etc. Also, Qt3 now has a non-commercial version for Windows, whilst Qt4 will be GPL on all platforms.
  • Have a look at CDtool, if you do circular dichroism spectroscopy that is!
  • CCDC's Mercury is a great crystal structure visualiser written using Qt, and its free to download. And, for CIF editing, enCIFer is free to download too.

  • The KDE desktop environment is created using Qt.